Sunday, August 21, 2011

Twinkie Pudding Cake

*Photo taken by Karla Everett

This is a quick and easy dessert that requires no baking. That semi homemade dessert that is fabulous. Great dessert after a heavy meal because it's so light and not rich. It's decadent, creamy. You can certainly use pound cake instead of twinkies but if you're making it with kids, this is a fun dessert to make with the kids. It's a great dessert for kids and adults alike! A great way to use a past time treat of the good ol' Twinkie! YUMMY!


1 box (10) of hostess twinkies (or about 2 loaves of pound cake)
4 large bananas sliced
1 can 20 ounces, crushed pineapple drained
1 box large instant vanilla pudding box (mixed with milk according to pkg. directions)
1 package 8 ounces of whipped topping
maraschino cherries and nuts for garnish (nuts optional)

Remove Twinkie cakes from wrappers.

Cut each in half lengthwise from top to bottom.

Place Twinkie halves in 9 x 13 baking dish with cream side facing up.

Layer sliced bananas, pineapple, pudding, and Cool Whip over Twinkies in that order.

Sprinkle with cherries (drained well on paper towels) and chopped nuts.

*Keep refrigerated for about an hour and then serve.

Sweet Dreams,

*Thank you Karla for taking a picture of the recipe and trying it out yourself and giving 5 stars!

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